Aircraft Maintenance & Motor Engineering Campus gets 60kW – 31 March 2021
Did you know Brighton City Airport hosts Greater Brighton MET College’s aviation maintenance and motorsport engineering education centre?
Well, we’ve just installed a free 60kW solar PV system on their roof on Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham. This fourth community-owned Brighton Energy Co-op solar system will save Greater Brighton MET college (GBMC) a further £3,500 on their energy bill each year. The super-fast installation went to plan, with the extra requirement of having to undertake an Aviation Hazard Report, including a glare analysis.
This was the very last of BEC’s FiT projects
Brighton Energy Co-op installed this system as the last of its Feed In Tariff (FiT) projects that were registered when the end of the Government FiT scheme was announced back in 2018. All the sites benefitting from the Feed In Tariff had to be installed before 31stMarch 2021. We would like to thank our New Project Developer, Matt Brown, GenFit site manager, David Cowley and GBMC’s Building & Contracts Manager, Chris Tuft, for all their hard work to meet this deadline.
We would also like to thank Simon Brodrick, GBMC’s Estates Manager, who was instrumental in getting this project off the ground initially, but unfortunately passed away from Covid-19 before the project was completed. On behalf of the Brighton Energy Co-op team and all our members we would like to pay our respects to his family, friends and work colleagues at GBMC.

If you’re interested to know more about the educational courses GBMC runs at this specialist facility please click here.