Carbon Emissions Reduction   

Each year BEC saves tons of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere. Our solar panels generate more than 2GWh of clean energy, displacing coal, gas and nuclear from the energy mix. This is the equivalent of nearly 500 tons of CO2 each year, the equivalent of planting 24,000 trees.

Solar Education Programme

BEC works together with local schools to maximise their solar energy usage & teach kids about clean energy. Together with charity Energy Sparks we help schools understand how and where their energy usage could be optimised, and how children can be involved in this process.

Reducing Electricity Bills

Our solar electricity is much cheaper than electricity from the grid. So by generating on-site power BEC saves building owners hundreds of thousands of pounds on their electricity bills each year. And as the price of grid electricity has grown the price of our solar electricity has remained the same, meaning savings have radically increased during a period of rapidly increasing grid energy prices.

We collaborate with Energy Sparks

to provide Brighton Energy Co-op’s 13 Solar Schools with a free online energy education programme and powerful energy analysis tool that helps our schools drive down their fuel bills and carbon emissions using live energy data and a sophisticated alert system.  This UK Government supported platform gets both staff and pupils actively involved in monitoring school energy use to become more energy efficient and fight climate change. It’s free for all UK schools to join. Visit Energy Sparks here to find out more & sign up your school!  This work is funded by our Community Fund.

BEC Installed Solar PV on Balfour Infants & Juniors

Thank you

We couldn’t do it without you

There are so many people working toward making our goal a reality – organisations, communities, businesses and, of course, you.
